Tuesday, 29 March 2016

29/3/2016 Sea day one: Seychelles to Mauritius

29/3/2016 Two sea days to go to Mauritius. in the night it was eerily windy, I woke at 1 with the sound of wind whistling really loudly.  So loud it was hard to sleep afterwards, so I spent the night watching films about Edward 8th and Wallace Simpson, it's ok though, it's always possible to nap during the day.  Today there have been cloudy skies but the temperature is still in the 30sC.  We've been able to sit outside for a little while, but mainly enjoying the entertainment, the naps and the air conditioning!

Today we've enjoyed 2 art classes focussing on portraits, learning a bit about perspective and shading. The first one was a copy of something Tony did in Vietnam before we joined the ship.  The second I decided to do a self portrait.  Both really enjoyable, much more so for me than landscapes.

Then after another black tie dinner this evening a really entertaining Freddie Mercury tribute act, by Dean Richardson,  made all the more enjoyable by the fact that he could very happily take the micky out of himself.  He had a lovely voice, and was wonderful with his audience, lots of Freddie's mannerisms, a few look-alike costumes, even though he didn't look a lot, I should say nothing at all like Freddie! But he performed all the memories, and that's what gave him the appeal, and the audience the feel-good factor.

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